Under military rule, young Burmese speak of destroyed dreams, futures snatched away


CNA Insider

Nether military rule, young Burmese speak of destroyed dreams, futures snatched away

Seven months after a military machine coup, experts weigh up whether democracy and noncombatant rule can return to Myanmar, while citizens give vent to hopelessness and fears for the time to come on the programme Insight.

Under military rule, young Burmese speak of destroyed dreams, futures snatched away

The coup has upended the plans and dreams of many people in Myanmar.

04 Sep 2022 06:15AM (Updated: 04 Sep 2022 06:00AM)

*Names accept been inverse to protect the individuals' identities.

YANGON: Eight months ago, artist Zar Ni* was, in his words, simply similar every other beau. The 21-year-old was busy making plans and wanted to written report away after the COVID-nineteen pandemic was over.

"I had and so many things I wanted to do," he said.

Then on Feb 1, the Myanmar armed forces seized ability from the civilian National League for Republic (NLD) regime and detained its de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and others.

Zar Ni was shocked, then upset and unsure of what to do side by side. He now feels as if his time to come has been "snatched away".

"I had so many plans alee. They've destroyed all my dreams," he told the programme Insight.

Zar Ni feels the present situation in Myanmar is "pretty bad".

He is not alone in feeling a sense of loss. Grocery shop owner Ko Toe* said his countrymen have "lost all hope".

Doctors and infirmary beds are in brusk supply every bit COVID-nineteen rages. Myanmar has seen many public servants, including healthcare workers, going on strike in protest at military rule, joining a widespread ceremonious defiance movement.

"Our healthcare situation is hopeless. We're helpless," said Ko Toe, 49, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"You tin't go to hospitals. You lot'd be denied entry. You endeavour to treat yourself at home with oxygen. It'south well-nigh incommunicable to get a dr. to see a patient."

Adding to the hurting are the rocketing prices of basic goods such as coffee and detergent, he said.

According to journalist Ko Than Lwin*, "in that location are fights everywhere". "Nosotros're in a ceremonious war at present," said the 40-twelvemonth-old, stressing that the people practise not accept armed services dominion and armed oppression.

Although the military has consolidated its position, resistance to its rule remains potent.

On a personal level, he feels his future is "very dim". "When I look forward, all I see is darkness," he added.

The junta seized power citing allegations of fraud in the Nov 2022 parliamentary elections won by the NLD.

Since the insurrection, amidst the protests and resistance from insurgent groups, the military has killed over ane,000 civilians, according to human rights grouping Assistance Clan for Political Prisoners.

The land is also battling a third COVID-19 moving ridge. There accept been more than than 406,000 cases and over 15,000 deaths in Myanmar since the pandemic began.


Political observers who spoke to Insight have mixed views on whether republic and civilian rule can return to Myanmar.

"I don't think the Tatmadaw is prepared to give the civilian democratic group some other shot at running Myanmar," said Singaporean diplomat Ong Keng Yong, former secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Association of southeast asian nations). The Tatmadaw is Myanmar's armed forces.

"The timing of this meltdown in Myanmar is to the reward of the people who perpetrated this military coup.

"Maybe they didn't see so far, but as things (went) forth, they became a bit more than acute in exploiting the overall geopolitical state of affairs to their reward."

WATCH: Insight 2021/2022 episode 19: Myanmar in crunch (47:23)

Will the civil unrest and worsening health crisis plunge Myanmar deeper into its darkest era?

The United States has imposed sanctions on individuals linked to Myanmar's armed forces regime and on companies that take provided back up for the military machine.

On a recent trip to the region, Us Vice-President Kamala Harris too reiterated back up for people in Myanmar working towards a return to democracy.

Just the US' response has been "muted", mainly because of other issues it must deal with such as the pandemic, said Maitrii Aung-Thwin, deputy director of the National University of Singapore's Asia Enquiry Institute.

"I don't call up they take the bandwidth … to focus their resources and attention on Myanmar."

China, which shares a border with Myanmar, wields influence as a major trading partner, perchance more than Association of southeast asian nations.

Min Aung Hlaing has said his administration will work with Association of southeast asian nations'due south special envoy to Myanmar.

And Beijing could do more to influence the Tatmadaw to restore order, such as by abnegation during United Nations Security Council discussions on what should be done near Myanmar, said Simon Adams, executive manager of the U.s.a.-based Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect.

Just on Feb ii, for example, China blocked a United nations Security Council statement condemning the insurrection.

Foreign-imposed regime change is against China'southward traditional strange policy behaviour, noted Enze Han, an associate professor in the Academy of Hong Kong'south politics and public administration department. "I don't think China can practice more," he said.

Political scientist Panitan Wattanayagorn of Thailand's Chulalongkorn University believes Myanmar needs a new ability-sharing program based on compromise and "transitional structures" to move forward.

"No ane can win totally," he said. "Commonwealth isn't a zero-sum game. You win some, you lose some, it's a positive sum. And negotiators must lay that down on a table for all parties to accept."

The military has killed over one,000 civilians since Feb one, according to human rights group Help Association for Political Prisoners.


In that location is niggling sign of compromise then far, even so, and there are divergent views on the ground.

The junta alleged itself Myanmar's flagman government on Aug 1, and Senior General Min Aung Hlaing was named its prime number minister.

Although he promised to agree elections and lift the electric current state of emergency by August 2023, he has branded his opponents in the National Unity Authorities — a group including ousted lawmakers challenging the regime'south legitimacy — "terrorists".

Primary school instructor Daw Marlar*, 33, disagrees with the civil disobedience movement and believes both sides must accomplish a compromise, every bit the land "tin can't function without a government or a armed services".

But creative person Zar Ni and 29-year-former medical medico Nay* are opposed to negotiations with the military.

Protestors from the ceremonious disobedience movement.

"After everything that'south happened, even if they reach some kind of compromise, I don't think mutual people like u.s. would have that," said Nay, who is office of the civil defiance movement merely has been secretly making house calls to treat patients.

Our country is currently free-falling, becoming a failed state. We've been building and improving Myanmar for a decade. But in merely six curt months, it's already ruined."

In 2011, the country had its commencement civilian president and civilian government afterward nearly 50 years of military rule, which gained it international credibility, billions of dollars in capital and — especially after the 2022 elections — relative freedom for its people.

Myanmar'due south economy is now on the verge of collapse, seven months subsequently the military insurrection. The World Bank expects an economic wrinkle of 18 per cent.

"I'm afraid our state will end up a useless country, with millions of homeless, devastated people," Nay said.

Watch this episode of Insight hither. The programme airs on Thursdays at 9pm.


Source: https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/cna-insider/under-military-rule-young-burmese-speak-destroyed-dreams-futures-snatched-away-298211

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